Birth preparation guidance for couples/women

Birth preparation live in Prague

This one-day session is designed for foreigners who would like to gain experience on how to get ready for birth.

It is a guidance meeting that might give you few basic important hints on how to recognise what is happening in which stages of labor, and how to manage them.

  • We shall explore the ways of what pain means and how to manage it;
  • look at what the basic keys for „good birth“ are;
  • how to learn to listen and tune in with our body and its craft;
  • how to feel enpowered and confident about the incredible experience which is ahead of us.

We shall speak also about the transformative power of birth and its healing potential. We might get to various topics including trust, emotions, fear, death, letting go and much more as the timeframe allows us.

If there is a date listed – link below with a date, please register at this link. If registration in Czech is an obstacle, or if there is no date, please contact us at – we will be happy to help you. We look forward to seeing you.

There is no scheduled date yet

Sign up to monitor the date for the course. You will find out about the upcoming date in time.

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Birth preparation guidance for couples/women


Mgr. Natálie Sedlická

porodní asistentka a terapeutka / Midwife & Therapist
